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ONWARD Vol #4: "Scenes from The Louvre" by Dr. Chad R Nicholson

Forward Motion
ONWARD Vol #4: "Scenes from The Louvre" by Dr. Chad R Nicholson

Welcome to ONWARD, the weekly newsletter from Forward Motion where we dive into the 'Course of the Week', exploring 3 key concepts, 2 quotes on the subject, and 1 question for reflection. 

This week's featured course:

PRO TIPS FOR BAND DIRECTORS: Exploring the Masterworks

"Scenes from The L...

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Scenes from "The Louvre" with Dr. Chad R Nicholson


Watch the first part of Scenes from "The Louvre" for FREE! 

The full course is available to members and is also available for Graduate Credit -- learn more in our Graduate Credit section or by clicking HERE.


What music might be expected when pairing a mid-1900s Pulitzer-winning...

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Forward Motion Course Examples


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Your time is precious, especially now. 
So we put together a video with examples from some of our most popular Forward Motion Video Courses. 

These courses, and dozens more, feature our wo...

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