Demystifying the Adolescent Music Student:
Dr. Bridget Sweet
Graduate Level
Credits / Units
Course Term
must be completed within
9 months of registration.
Course Code
EDUX 9129
Price Per Credit
Course Description:
Affecting everyone from late elementary school until their early 20s, adolescence can be awkward, smelly, and misunderstood! A great teacher must not only possess masterful content knowledge, but understand the mentality of their students to authentically inspire and build meaningful relationships. Together with Forward Motion and Dr. Bridget Sweet, unlock the mystery of adolescence by examining brain development, stigmas, and complex issues that define this time period. Content is directed towards teachers of any musical subject or ensemble.
This course is intended for music educators at any point in their career. No pre-requisite required. Students will need internet access to complete online video content available at www.fwdmotion.org, basic word and digital presentation processing skills, and access to the text Growing Musicians: Teaching Music in Middle School and Beyond by Dr. Bridget Sweet (available for purchase on Amazon and other music retailers).
Course Outcomes:
Students will…
- Review complex issues for adolescents such as the invisible audience, voice change, simulacrum, isolation, identity, and behavior tendencies
- Examine brain development for adolescents as it relates to intellectual and emotional maturity, empathy, and the effect of positive and negative experiences
- Analyze personal, societal, and educational stigmas surrounding adolescents
- Discuss strategies to empower and support struggling adolescents
Course Components:
This course includes online video lectures, prescribed comprehension response questions, reflection essays, and reading assignments. All coursework instructions and videos will be found on www.fwdmotion.org. Dr. Sweet’s book Growing Musicians: Teaching Music in Middle School & Beyond is required. Optional: scholarly articles may be researched with a free personal JSTOR account. Completed coursework should be submitted online via the interactive Forward Motion module available immediately after registration and sign-in. Students must receive a passing grade to receive university credit by earning “acceptable” or “excellent” on each assignment rubric.

Forward Motion awards academic credit in partnership with Dominican University of California. Graduate-Level Extension Semester Credits/Units are primarily used for professional development or salary advancement and are transferable to degree programs only on the approval of the institution being petitioned. The words credits and units are used interchangeably as geographical locations vary in terminology. Participants are advised to obtain prior employer approval for use in salary advancement. Dominican University of California is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).